Curing Gray Leaf Spot with Karma KARMA perennial ryegrass seed can “cure” Gray Leaf Spot in your perennial ryegrass stand even during a severe outbreak. 18. Oct. 2016
Maracanã in Rio and DLF turf grass ready for action The Maracanã, which hosted the Olympic Games opening ceremony, are ready to welcome the football finalists from Brazil. 18. Aug. 2016
Brazilian Pitches are Prepared for the 2016 Olympic Games Seed from DLF is returning to the sports surfaces of Brazil for the second time in two years. 17. Jul. 2016
Reducing Nitrogen Loss by Using Microclover Microclover with tall fescue or bermudagrass can help supply the nitrogen for a dense turf. 14. Jun. 2016
Willamette Valley Seed Producer's Day 12 acres of seed yield trial plots and over 1,000 varieties represented. 06. May. 2016