What grass seed do I need?
Northern Sunny: Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass
Southern Sunny: Bermuda or Tall Fescue
Transition Sunny: Tall Fescue
Sun and Shade (All Regions): Sun & Shade
Dense Shade (All Regions): Dense Shade
Drought Hardy (All Regions): Tall Fescue
Winter Overseeding (Northern, Transition and Southern): Perennial Ryegrass
New Fall Lawns or Fall Overseeding (Northern Regions): Fall Mix
Patching Bare Spots All Regions: Patch-it
Keep soil evenly darkened with moisture during germination. Southern lawns: Plant seed when soil temperature is 55 degrees and above. For Northern, when the danger of the last frost is over or 30 days before the first frost. Many times weed preventer products are applied early in Spring but these products will kill any new seeds planted within 60 days or longer (read product label).
I have thin patchy grass.
Even in the shade your lawn should be fairly dense. Check your soil pH and amend acidic soil (5.5 or lower) with limestone and for alkaline soil (7.0 or higher) use sulfur. Ideal soil pH for most grass is between 6.5 and 6.8.
I planted your seed and got lots of weeds?
All seed purity is guaranteed according to strict consumer laws and weed seed is guaranteed at less than 0.01% in all products. Usually what happens is that when the seedbed is prepared new soil is brought in containing weed seed or existing soil is turned, exposing weed seed previously hidden.
Water deeply the affected areas to wash away the urine. Replant grass with seed or use Patch-it to repair bare spots.
I have lots of shady areas and nothing grows!
Trees and shrubs compete with grass for water, nutrients and light. For extremely heavily shaded areas try a ground cover. Less severe shade areas use a Dense Shade mix. You will want to water deeply and infrequently, prune some branches, mow grass higher and maintain a favorable pH of 6.5 to 6.8. Also check for thatch.
Every Spring I have dead spots around the curb and driveway.
Most likely you have salt damage. Leach out salt from the soil with several deep soakings and then replant.
How do I get rid of my broadleaf weeds?
Take a few weed samples to your local lawn and garden store and ask for advice. There are many good products on the shelf.
How often should I water my lawn?
A lawn needs 1-2 inches of water per week, soaking 6-8 inches deep. To prevent runoff on clay soils apply water at a slower rate to allow for water penetration.
What height should I mow my grass?
Cutting a lawn too often and too short causes shallow roots. This weakens the plants and they become less disease and draught tolerant. Lawns can become thin allowing weeds to grow. When a new lawn reaches 3 inches you should start mowing keeping the height around 2 inches (Tall Fescue lawns 3 inches).
After mowing within a few days there are brown tips on the grass blades.
Sharpen your lawn mower blade! You are fraying or scalping the ends of the grass blades, weakening the plant.
I have grubs or other pests.
Consult an expert at your nearest lawn and garden store for help. These are often regional.
I have fungus disease in my lawn.
Consult an expert at your nearest lawn and garden store for help.
I want to get rid of clover in my lawn.
To get rid of clover apply MCPP or dicamba (Banvel). Consult your local lawn and garden store for advice.
Aerate to allow moisture, nutrients and air to enter the soil to improve the soil. Thicken the lawn by overseeding after aeration. Keep traffic off the lawn. Make a pathway with pavers or a nice plant boarder to direct traffic.
Remove thatch if it is greater than ¾ inches in several treatments during spring and fall for fast recovery. Take two or three plug samples from your lawn at 2-3 inches deep and measure the distance between the actively growing grass and the soil surface. Reduce fertilizers to decrease thatch.
Use a moss control product from your local lawn and garden store.