ULTRA WILDFLOWERS – contain 29 species of both annual and perennial flowers for changing colors all season. These attractive flowers are designed to grow well in almost any area in the U.S. and Canada. Plants will grow to a height of 30-40 inches. This mixture contains approximately 60,000 seeds and will cover 600 square feet.
HUMMINGBIRD & BUTTERFLY – Wildflower Seed Mixture contains 17 species of flowers selected to attract and produce nectar for hummingbirds and butterflies. Plants will grow to a height of 30-40 inches. This mixture contains approximately 100,000 seeds and will cover 1,000 square feet.
BEE POLLEN MIX – Wildflowers contain everything to grow nectar and pollen producing flowers for honey bees, native bees, bumble bees and other pollinators. Covers 600 square feet with plants reaching 60 inches.
LOW GROW BORDER MIX – contains 26 species of flowers with approximately 70% annual and 30% perennial varieties. These wildflowers are chosen for their natural beauty, long flowering periods and low growing characteristics. The mix will grow to a height of 18-24 inches under normal growing conditions. This mixture contains approximately 39,000 seeds and will cover 650 square feet.
TEXAS BLUEBONNETS MIX – X-Pand™ Texas Bluebonnets Complete Flower Mix contains 2,500 seeds and covers up to 175 square feet. Texas Bluebonnets grow in well-drained soils throughout the Southeast. The “State Flower of Texas” blooms in the spring, peaking late March and early April. Texas Bluebonnets are legumes so they return nitrogen to the soil for an added benefit!
THE SOIL – Instant Garden Soil is all natural with organic nutrients specifically formulated for growing tomatoes, vegetables and herbs in containers, planters, or as a soil additive. Compressed soil expands 400%. Just add water. Our concentrated super-absorbent growth medium absorbs and retains moisture better than ordinary soil.
THE INGREDIENTS – X-Pand™ is made from compressed coir fiber blocks. The blocks are ground for ultimate expandability and lightweight convenience. Unlike peat moss, coir is a sustainable resource which helps the environment. X-Pand™ has organic fertilizer and gypsum formulated for maximum plant nutrient uptake.
THE RESULT – X-Pand™ advantages are many! The natural-aerated structure of coir allows for greater drainage yet holds more water than ordinary garden soil. Soil compaction is a major problem in growing beautiful plants. Compaction restricts the flow of water and oxygen, both necessary for the health of all plants. X-Pand™ as a soil additive works wonders with its tough, coarse fibers which are resistant to crushing and compaction. These fibers create more airspace! More airspace means there is a better exchange of water and oxygen reaching the roots. Plants are less susceptible to disease because they have good drainage. X-Seed® X-Pand™ is the Pure and Simple™ solution to healthier plants!